Category Archives: IT

Real-time Energy Monitoring: Optimizing Energy Consumption

Energy conservation is a critical issue that individuals and organizations alike are striving to tackle. One way to manage energy consumption effectively is through real-time energy monitoring. Here are some key points about real-time energy monitoring: In conclusion, real-time energy monitoring is a powerful tool that can help individuals and organizations manage their energy consumption…

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The Role of Cloud Computing in Sustainable IT Development

Sustainability has become a hot topic in recent years as people become increasingly concerned about the impact of technology on the environment. As a result, there has been a growing interest in the role that cloud computing can play in sustainable IT development. Cloud computing has the potential to reduce the environmental impact of technology…

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A solution to solve the power of gravitation of big brand in IT field : the amazon web service’s case

The Amazon Web Service service is a funny thing. Very hard to configure, there is now a special job for this new IT ecosystem, but they are still attracting mid-size companies or even worse small companies to them. They are attracting them without any effort to do it: the power of the brand of Amazon is very…

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How we help you

Thanks to our deep experience on digital processes and huge network, we can help you to solve your(s) business problems and/or enhance your sales capabilities online. You can come with a need or with an identified problem like for example your IT services which is not working right, the lack of answer time of your…

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Install the PostGreSQL driver, psycopg2, with Python with a Mac

Mac is a good computer but seems to be weird when you are attacking some install. I had error installing the PostGreSQL drivers for python.  Typing a : $ pipenv install psycopg2 or $ pip install psycopg2 was leading to compilation error… Problems seems to be with Mac (as usual) and Path. (as Usual) Then was solved…

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Pourquoi je n’ai jamais vu une DSI fonctionner correctement : le cas Amazon Web Service (AWS) et d’autres cas

18 ans dans les services informatiques en partant du jeu vidéo, en passant par le e-commerce, petites ou grandes entreprises, et en 18 ans je n’ai jamais vu une seule DSI prendre une décision qui n’allait pas transformer le budget IT en tonneau des danaides. Le cas Amazon Web Service ou l’étoile de la mort….

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Yes, playing Forex you will lose money and winners don’t become a millionaire

The success rate of classic forex traders using classic broker are low. US-based companies must publish the “number of people who really gain money using Forex” and rates are more than low. Just check the public communication of FXCM for example  You have 76.88% of retail investor who is losing money for FXCM but it’s the…

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Coders are artists. Let’s abandon the idea that industrial skills are needed to produce good IT projects

After 18 years managing many IT projects from small company to big ones in 3 countries, i have bunches of doubts and a real no certitude how to have a right journey and some certitude about why a project is failing. The forecast in IT project is a nightmare. Nobody can predict how long a…

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