Tag Archives: cryptocurrencies

Week #35 – Week 35 : management behavior in crisis, Asset Tokenisation, Most innovative countries and Emailing Birthday

1 – 8 management behaviors that drive change without crisis :In this era of rapid market and technological change, I know I have to challenge my small business advisory clients to keep innovating and stay ahead of the game. As you can imagine, it is human nature to look for a stable and unchanging business process, after…

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Yes, Bitcoin is an ethical disaster

Ethic? Yes, it’s a strange world in finance. A lot of readers will say that it’s not my business to judge what is ethical and not. They are right. But behind the blockchain revolution – the idea is a simple and very efficient idea – there is a gap between the mindset.

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Ndau promises stability with BuoYant

Sometimes when I am reading news about crypto i am feeling weird like i was watching good esoteric movies. Strange names are melting with difficult papers to read, the famous white-paper which every crypto asset needs to publish. It’s like the Latin at school, nobody knows really why you need it but there are still…

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Are cryptocurrencies for bad guys?

A very good post about the possible funding of so-called “separatists” in east-ukraine by russia  using crypto asset to transfer money easily and outside any radar remember us that, perhaps, the crypto real world is divided into 2 sub-worlds: one world is accumulating cryptocurrencies without spending them seeing them as refuge values or thinking them as a…

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Crypto-exchange platforms are producing fake crypto money and it’s not a good news

When i am using my coinbase account, i can make a transfer between external wallet and my coinbase account wallet. Good. And it’s normal. It means that the blockchain of each currency is used to process the payment. But they have another option where you can convert between crypto-currencies inside your own coinbase portfolio Sorry it’s in French but…

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